Le travail de référencement de l'association Society for Caribbean Studies (UK) : page liens fournie. Dont :
Societies & Organisations
Caribbean Communities in Europe - Forum to promote knowledge of the Caribbean and its diaspora (particularly in Europe).
Caribbean Studies Association
CERLAC -Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean.
CLASH - Comite de Liaison et d'Application des Sources Historiques.
Indo-Caribbean Studies Association
LACC - Latin America and Caribbean Studies Center.
National Archives - National Archives Caribbean History.
Postcolonial Studies Association
Society for Latin American Studies (UK Association)
SOSIG - Social Sciences Information Gateway.
Transnational Communities - An ESRC Research Programme.
UKCASA - UK Council for Area Studies Associations, the SCS and the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS).
Journals, Newspapers and Literary Links
Caribbean Journal of Science
Critical Bibliography of Caribbean Literatures
Interventions -International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.
Journal of Caribbean Archaeology
Journal of Caribbean History
Journal of Caribbean Literatures
Journal of Commonwealth Literature - A Journal on aspects of Commonwealth and postcolonial literatures and related areas.
Journal of Postcolonial Writing
Journal of West Indian Liteature
KACIKE - The Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology.
KUNAPIPI - Journal of Postcolonial Writing.
Moving Worlds - A Journal of Transcultural Writing.
Sargasso - A journal published by the Department of English at the University of Puerto Rico.
Small Axe - A Caribbean Platform for Criticism.
The Caribbean Review of Books
The Caribbean Writer
Wadabagei - A journal of the Caribbean and its diaspora.
Wasafiri (London)
West Indian Literature - A source list for West Indian Authors, compiled by Patrick Jamieson.
Academic links
Academic Staff teaching on Latin America and the Caribbean
BBC 'WINDRUSH' web site
Black Writers Reunion and Conference
'Caribbean Studies' - Various links from the Department of History at the University of North Texas, Denton
Caribbean Studies Centre at London Metropolitan
CASBAH - Caribbean Studies Black and Asian History Sources Project.
Centre for Caribbean Studies (Warwick)
Commonwealth-SAS - Caribbean Online Routes to Roots.
Channel 4 'UNTOLD' - Black History Season
Indo-Caribbean - Indo Caribbean heritage Website.
Institute of Commonwealth Studies
University of West Indies (Mona)
Caribbean Newspapers
Granma Internacional
Haiti Press Network
Jamaica Gleaner Newspaper
The Barbados Advocate
Trinidad Guardian
House of Nehesi
Ian Randle Publishers
Mano Publishing
Papillote Press
Peepal Tree Press
University of the West Indies Press
Caribbean Radio Stations online
Caribbean Search Engine
The Caribbean Photo Archive
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