jeudi 15 décembre 2011

Inde - repères bibliographiques

De l'essai bibliographique intensif proposé par Sunil Khilnani, arrêté à 1997, dans The Idea of India

- CA Bayly, Indian society & the making of the British empire, Cambridge 1988. 18th, coming of colonialism
- Romila Thapar, From Lineage to State. Social formations in the mid-first millennium BC in the Ganga Valley, Oxford, 1990.
- Eric Stokes, 1970s break from idea of colonialism as rupture / work on continuities, “The first century of British colonial rule: social revolution or social stagnation?”, Past and Present, 58 (1973).
- classic colonial / Western theories : James Mill History of British India (1817, 10 vols), Henry Sumner Maine, Village Communities in the East and West (1871), James Fitzjames Stephen, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (1873 - ?). => cf E. Stokes The English Utilitarians and India, Oxford 1959.
            + Max Weber on European / Asiatic city, The City. // Jack Goody, The East in the West (Camb 1996).
            + *Raymond Schwab, The Oriental Renaissance. Europe’s Rediscovery of Indian and the East, 1660-1880 (1950).
- on the Brahmanic order : (Gellner-like argument) : John A Hall, “The Land of the Brahmans” 1985, more sociological Satish Saberwal, Wages of Segmentation. Comparative historical studies on Europe and India, NDelhi 1995;
- Dalit politics : Gail Omvedt, Dalit Visions. The Anti-Caste movement and the construction of an Indian identity, London 1995. Kancha Ilaiah, Why I am not a Hindu: a Shudra critique of Hindutva Philosophy, culture & political economy, Calcutta 1996.
- language conflicts: Jyotirindra Das Gupta, Language Conflict and National Development. Group politics and national language policy in India (Berkeley 1970), Paul Brass, Language, Religion & Politics in North India (London 1974).
* => more recent: DL Sheth, “The great language debate: politics of metropolitan versus vernacular India”, in Crisis and Change in contemp India, ed. U. Baxi & B. Parekh (ND 1995)
* cf Journal of Arts and Ideas, ND & EPW, esp. since 1993.
- feminism : Omvedt, We Will Smash This Prison: Indian Women in struggle, London 1980. Manushi, periodical since 1979, ND.
*- violence : *Veena Das ed, Mirrors of Violence. Communities, riots and survivors in South Asia (D 1990). *Gyanendra Pandey “In Defence of the fragment: writing about Hindu-Muslim riots in India today”, Representations 37, winter 1992. *Stanley Tambiah, Leveling Crowds. Ethnonationalist conflicts and collective violence in South Asia, Berkeley 1996 (comparative).  Documents : Nandita Haksar, Nagaland File (ND 1984), AR Desai ed., Violation of democratic rights in India, ND 1986.
- Dipesh Chakrabarty, “Open space/ public Space: garbage, modernity and India”, South Asia xiv, 1, 1994. Sudipta Karivaj, “Filth & the “public sphere”” (cf réf p. 238, alld).
- Hindu philosophy: KM Sen, Hinduism, London 1961…
- Hindu political identity: * Partha Chatterjee, The Nation & its fragments. Colonial & postcol histories, Princeton 1993.  Gyanendra Pandey ed, Hindus and Others. The question of identity in India today, ND 1993. Jaffrelot, The Hindu Nationalist Mvt & Indian Politics, 1925 to 1990s (London 1996).
- secularism: cf. 239. crit by A. Nandy, EPW special, Veena Das in Mirrors of violence… CA Bayly The pre-history of “communalism’? religious conflict in I 1700-1860”, MAS 19, 2, 1985.

*- education: Krishna Kumar, Political Agenda of Education: A study in colonialist & nationalist ideas, ND 1991. JP Naik, Policy and performance in Indian education 1947-1974, ND 1975. Myon Weiner, The child & the state in India: child labour & education policy in comparative perspective (Princeton, 1991). Drèze & A, Sen in Indian development. Selected Regional Prespectives (D, 1996).
*- Sudipta Kaviraj, “Writing, Speaking, Being; Language & the historical formation of identities in I”, Stuttgart 1991 cf ref p. 241.
*- Dipesh Chakrabarty, “Postcoloniality and the Artifice of history; who speaks for ‘Indian’ pasts?”, Representations 37 (Winter 1992) – historiographical essay
*- CA Bayly, Empire and Information. Intelligence gathering and social communication in India, 1780-1870 ( Camb, 1996)
*- Gyanendra Pandey, The Construction of Communalism in Colonial North India, Delhi 1990 ; + *Romila Thapar “Imagined Religious Communities? Ancient history and the modern search for a Hindu indentity”, Modern Asian Studies, 23, 2, 1989. – + crit by A. Nandy, EPW special, Veena Das in Mirrors of violence… CA Bayly The pre-history of “communalism’? religious conflict in I 1700-1860”, MAS 19, 2, 1985.
*- critique of Dumont : A. Appadurai “Is Homo Hierarchicus? », American Anthropologist, 13, 1986 ; A. Béteille ‘Homo H, Homo Equalis »… (p. 226)
*- Kancha Ilaiah, Why I am not a Hindu: a Shudra critique of Hindutva Philosophy, culture & political economy, Calcutta 1996.
*- Ashis Nandy, on political culture: The Intimate Enemy (1983), At the Edge of Psychology. Essays in politics and culture (D 1980), *The Savage Freud (D 1995). *“The Political culture of the Indian state”, Daedalus, 118, 4, 1989 ; *“Culture, state and the rediscovery of Indian politics”, EPW xix, 49, 1984.
*- Amartya Sen + Jean Drèze: “The concept of development” 1988 (p. 233), “Indian development; lessons and non-lessons” Daedalus 1989. Inequality re-examined 1992, The Political economy of Hunger (1990)
*- Raymond Schwab, The Oriental Renaissance. Europe’s Rediscovery of Indian and the East, 1660-1880 (1950). // Tapan Raychaudhuri Europe Reconsidered: Perceptions of the West in 19th Cent Bengal, D 1981.

- James Manor ed, Rethinking Third World Politics ( Harlow, 1991), incl. Sudipta Karivaj, “On State, society and discourse in India” : conceptual ruptures, with colonialism.
- Carol A Breckenbridge, Peter van der Veer eds, Orientalism & the Postcolonial predicament, Phily 1993, incl A. Appadurai “Number in the Colonial Imagination”.

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