Mao 1937.
Caractéristiques de la guérilla : pratique militaire politique. Consiste en première phase en une éducation politique, et se poursuit comme telle dans toute sa durée. 'The end product is an intensely loyal and politically alert fighting man', écrit le traducteur américain Griffith, Brigadier General. Mais surtout : 'organization, instruction, agitation, and propaganda work', more than 'they do fighting, for their most important work is to win over the people.'
'His information was always timely and accurate, for the people supported him.'
Cette guérilla, pensée comme la guérilla, est révolutionnaire et nationale, en front uni national (ceci en contexte chinois, dans l'alliance de front contre le Japon, PCC et nationalistes).
Phase one : generate 'a protective belt of sympathizers willing to supply food, recruits, and information', but phase two : 'persuade as many people as possible to commit themselves to the movement, so that it gradually acquires the quality of 'mass' '.
Distinction technique clé : résistance patriote / guérilla révolutionnaire, partisane. Loyalisme / émancipation.
Caractéristiques de la guérilla : pratique militaire politique. Consiste en première phase en une éducation politique, et se poursuit comme telle dans toute sa durée. 'The end product is an intensely loyal and politically alert fighting man', écrit le traducteur américain Griffith, Brigadier General. Mais surtout : 'organization, instruction, agitation, and propaganda work', more than 'they do fighting, for their most important work is to win over the people.'
'His information was always timely and accurate, for the people supported him.'
Cette guérilla, pensée comme la guérilla, est révolutionnaire et nationale, en front uni national (ceci en contexte chinois, dans l'alliance de front contre le Japon, PCC et nationalistes).
Phase one : generate 'a protective belt of sympathizers willing to supply food, recruits, and information', but phase two : 'persuade as many people as possible to commit themselves to the movement, so that it gradually acquires the quality of 'mass' '.
Distinction technique clé : résistance patriote / guérilla révolutionnaire, partisane. Loyalisme / émancipation.
Mao, 43-44 : 'What is the relationship of guerilla warfare to the people? Without a political goal, guerilla warfare must fail, as it must if its political objectives do not coincide with the aspirations of the people and their sympathy, cooperation, and assistance cannot be gained. The essence of guerilla warfare is thus revolutionary in character. On the other hand, in a war of counterrevolutionary nature, there is no place for guerilla hostilities. Because guerilla warfare basically derives from the masses and is
supported by them, it can neither exist nor flourish if it separates itself come their sympathies and cooperation.'