Wiki, dates et tendances. Après 1956, les difficultés avec les PC, prises de distance diverses. Néomarxisme, introduisant la culture (beyond vulgar economism, orthodox Marxism, labour issues) - Ecole de Frankfort, Gramsci, Althusser. Aux US, la counter-culture (+ connection particulière, avec le mouvement étudiant, et la militance contre la guerre du Vietnam.
Vient de la "Nouvelle gauche" française, France Observateur, Claude Bourdet.
A quoi ajouter le développement des "Mouvements sociaux", comme poussées alternatives aux pratiques syndicales.
UK : Communist Party Historians Group, puis exclus, EP Thompson, Ralph Miliband, New Left Review, from 1962 Perry Anderson. Connection avec la CND (désagrégée en 1961). Socialist Register, Radical Philosophy. LSE. Connections also with International Socialists, or Trotksyist groups. [Raymond Williams?]
US : from campuses, + connections with civil rights mvt, anti Vietnam, participatory democracy, university reforms. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
- CW Wright, 1960, "Letter to the New Left" ; towards counter-culture and internationalism. [Proletariat no longer the historical agent of change ; young intellectuals around the world ...]
- Berkeley, 1964-65, Free Speech Movement (and academic freedom). Establishment / anti-Estabt.
- social activism, > labour organization. For broadbased, grassroots movement, ex. Students Non-violent Coordinating Comittee, outreaching.
- influence of the Cultural Revolution. // While UK turned to Trotskyism or social democracy. Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh.
- also an anarchist strand. Radical America.
- climax against L. Johnson's Vietnam war at Democrat National Convention 1968.
- inspiration from black radicalism, Panthers. The Left Black Panther Party.
- success effect : rebirth of feminism, from among the NL movement!
- invention of the modern environmental movement, in clash with industrial logic.
- SDS : from 1962 identified with NLeft // liberals, and more revolutionary left. For participatory democracy based on non-violent civil disobedience. Grew as platform ag Vietnam, to national pol force. Pressure topped in 68-69, splinters to Maoism, Weather Underground...
- a culture war : between liberals (semi-democratics) and radicals, and against PCs (bureaucratic centralization). Rejection of liberalism, "liberal" becomes an epithet.
- Flower Power, Hippies?
" Kazin (1998) says, "The liberals who anxiously turned back the assault of the postwar Right were confronted in the 1960s by a very different adversary: a radical movement led, in the main, by their own children. The white New Left. Kazin concludes, "For the young moralists of the 1960s — missionaries of a secular persuasion — only a self-conscious rebellion from below could topple the corrupted liberal order." "
Influence on Germany - where students become prototypes for European radical student.
- Prague Spring 1968 - industrial base.
- Paris 1968 - influence of Situationnisme, itself inspired by Socialisme et barbarie [?].Culture as a form of production.
- Autonomia in Italy, more traditional industrial base.
Camus, Debord, Fanon, Henri Lefebvre, Sartre [?], Ginsberg, RD Laing, Che Guevara, P. Kropotikine, [Lénine, R Luxembourg], Marcuse, Adorno, Russell, Malcolm X.
D Cohn-Bendit, Angela Davis, Régis Debray, Mario Savio, Raymond Williams, Peter Wosley.
Associated : Chavez, Foucault, Nicos Poulantzas, Richard Sennett, Charles Taylor.
See wiki for bb.
Vient de la "Nouvelle gauche" française, France Observateur, Claude Bourdet.
A quoi ajouter le développement des "Mouvements sociaux", comme poussées alternatives aux pratiques syndicales.
UK : Communist Party Historians Group, puis exclus, EP Thompson, Ralph Miliband, New Left Review, from 1962 Perry Anderson. Connection avec la CND (désagrégée en 1961). Socialist Register, Radical Philosophy. LSE. Connections also with International Socialists, or Trotksyist groups. [Raymond Williams?]
US : from campuses, + connections with civil rights mvt, anti Vietnam, participatory democracy, university reforms. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
- CW Wright, 1960, "Letter to the New Left" ; towards counter-culture and internationalism. [Proletariat no longer the historical agent of change ; young intellectuals around the world ...]
- Berkeley, 1964-65, Free Speech Movement (and academic freedom). Establishment / anti-Estabt.
- social activism, > labour organization. For broadbased, grassroots movement, ex. Students Non-violent Coordinating Comittee, outreaching.
- influence of the Cultural Revolution. // While UK turned to Trotskyism or social democracy. Mao, Castro, Ho Chi Minh.
- also an anarchist strand. Radical America.
- climax against L. Johnson's Vietnam war at Democrat National Convention 1968.
- inspiration from black radicalism, Panthers. The Left Black Panther Party.
- success effect : rebirth of feminism, from among the NL movement!
- invention of the modern environmental movement, in clash with industrial logic.
- SDS : from 1962 identified with NLeft // liberals, and more revolutionary left. For participatory democracy based on non-violent civil disobedience. Grew as platform ag Vietnam, to national pol force. Pressure topped in 68-69, splinters to Maoism, Weather Underground...
- a culture war : between liberals (semi-democratics) and radicals, and against PCs (bureaucratic centralization). Rejection of liberalism, "liberal" becomes an epithet.
- Flower Power, Hippies?
" Kazin (1998) says, "The liberals who anxiously turned back the assault of the postwar Right were confronted in the 1960s by a very different adversary: a radical movement led, in the main, by their own children. The white New Left. Kazin concludes, "For the young moralists of the 1960s — missionaries of a secular persuasion — only a self-conscious rebellion from below could topple the corrupted liberal order." "
Influence on Germany - where students become prototypes for European radical student.
- Prague Spring 1968 - industrial base.
- Paris 1968 - influence of Situationnisme, itself inspired by Socialisme et barbarie [?].Culture as a form of production.
- Autonomia in Italy, more traditional industrial base.
Camus, Debord, Fanon, Henri Lefebvre, Sartre [?], Ginsberg, RD Laing, Che Guevara, P. Kropotikine, [Lénine, R Luxembourg], Marcuse, Adorno, Russell, Malcolm X.
D Cohn-Bendit, Angela Davis, Régis Debray, Mario Savio, Raymond Williams, Peter Wosley.
Associated : Chavez, Foucault, Nicos Poulantzas, Richard Sennett, Charles Taylor.
See wiki for bb.
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